Everyone has some of these symptoms occasionally, but those with adult ADHD have more of these symptoms consistently and to a level that is impairing their daily functioning at work, school, and home. These symptoms may be fairly consistent, vary according to the situation or fluctuate without control.
The most important thing to note is that the medical professional you choose must be knowledgeable about ADHD.
The assessment and diagnosis of ADHD by a medical professional is generally covered by your provincial health care plan, however, always ask if any additional fees will be charged.
The potential diagnosis of ADHD should include;
Psychologists may assess and diagnose ADHD, but they cannot prescribe medication. Psychologists are not covered by provincial health care plans, but may be partially covered by private health coverage. Speak to the psychologist prior to contacting your private insurance provider.
Children who are struggling academically may seek a psychoeducational assessment to assess whether any coexisting learning disabilities (LDs) may exist along with ADHD. A complete assessment of a child’s learning strengths and needs is essential for a student who continues to be impaired at school. Psycho-educational assessments cost approximately $2,000-$4,000
Important Things to Know About the Health Care Professional that you choose:
For more information about ADHD assessments please contact our Resource Navigator at info@caddac.ca
ADHD should be treated using a “multimodal approach”. Simply put, this means using more than one type of treatment. Examples of ADHD treatments are listed below
Educating parents, individuals, and any other adults who routinely interact with the child about ADHD is the first and most important component of an ADHD treatment plan. Studies have shown that providing education on ADHD greatly increases the chance that treatment will continue long term.
For a list of CADDAC programs please refer to the following pages
Parenting programs
Conferences and Workshops
Individuals with ADHD may struggle to keep up with school demands. Therefore it is important to seek classroom accommodations to ensure academic success
For additional resources on ADHD and Education please refer to ADHD and Education section
For a list of classroom accommodations in post secondary please download document
Download PDFIndividuals with ADHD learn differently than their neurotypical counterparts and therefore it can be beneficial to hire an ADHD tutor to help your child if they are struggling academically.
For a list of ADHD tutors please refer to our Resource map
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is a form of therapy that focuses on emotion regulation, maladaptive behaviour, and cognitive processes that are impairing to daily functioning. CBT has shown to be beneficial for individuals with ADHD
To read more about Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and how it can help adults with ADHD refer to the article Research: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Helps Adults with ADHD by Dr. David Rabiner
For a list of ADHD psychological clinics please refer to our Resource map
ADHD coaching addresses the academic, vocational, emotional, and interpersonal life difficulties that are a result of the core ADHD symptoms and tries to help individuals find a way to overcome these challenges.
To see a list of ADHD coaches: Resource map
To see CADDAC’s ADHD coaching programs, click here.
Research is finding that getting regular exercise can improve cognitive functioning and may improve ADHD symptom. Exercise produces several hormones that can benefit brain functioning and help improve focus.
Below are two articles about the benefits of exercise for individuals' with ADHD
Mindfulness can assist with better awareness of attention, manage stress, be less reactive to impulsive thoughts and be less judgmental of ADHD symptoms.
Sleep plays a major role in our health and development. For example, sleep is important for learning, attention, and memory, academic achievement, and even physical growth1, 2. As such, it is important for children to get age-appropriate quality and quantity of sleep! According to the National Sleep Foundation, school aged children (6-13 years old) should receive between 9 and 11 hours of sleep each night3. Children who sleep less or who have poor quality sleep (e.g., up and down throughout the night) will not be able to perform their best during the day, especially in school.
How the COVID-19 Crisis is Changing Sleep: Implications for Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Download PDFPlease refer to the charts below for information on specific medications
Starting post-secondary education can be a stressful time for students with ADHD. The impairment in planning, organization, and time management are often the reason that difficulties arise. Assignments can pile up, instructions can be misinterpreted, due dates, missed or forgotten, all which can trigger stress and anxiety. That is why it is important for all students with ADHD, regardless of age, to seek accommodations before the school year begins. Below you will find resources to help you be successful in your studies.
For a detailed list of classroom accommodations in the post secondary environment, please download this document
Download PDFFor instructions on how to use this chart please refer to this doument
Download PDFAccommodations come in three distinct categories; instructional, environmental, and assessment. The following lists are examples of interventions that may impact the success of the ADHD student.
For a list of the different types of classroom accommodations please download this document
Download PDFDocumentation required for accommodations at select colleges and universities across Canada
For a list of what documents are required for post-secondary accommodations, please refer to this list of select universities and colleges in Canada
Download PDFPlease access this toolkit for information on how to make a smooth tranisition from high school to post-secondary
Download PDFCADDAC has written a policy paper on ADHD in the post-secondary environment
Download PDF