
Those with ADHD have trouble staying focused long enough to complete boring or repetitive tasks, or difficulty with getting started on tasks, managing time, and staying organized. Having a ‘gym buddy’ is known to encourage people to visit the gym and stick to an exercise routine, but can working alongside a ‘body double’ increase one’s productivity both at work and at home?

When someone with ADHD works on tasks or chores alongside another person, this is a practice called “body doubling”. The body double’s job is to help anchor the person with ADHD to the present moment, reducing the risk of distraction and holding them accountable to their task. Two or more people can also work on tasks together on video chat, known as virtual body doubling.

The person you choose to act as your body double should be committed to helping you complete your work, not distracting you with conversation or anything else. Choose someone who usually makes you feel comfortable and safe, and who can encourage you when necessary.

Although there isn’t much formal research to prove the effectiveness of body doubling, it can help ADHDers boost productivity, reduce distraction, increase focus, and improve motivation. More benefits can include:

Introducing body doubling can help ADHD employees feel like they are part of a team and that they have the support of their colleagues. It can help both neurodivergent and neurotypical employees stay focused, motivated and engaged. It can also be a great way to connect with colleagues and build relationships! 

Here’s how to establish a body doubling program in the workplace:

1. Start by educating your team about body doubling. Explain what it is, how it works, and why it can be beneficial. You can do this via email, a team meeting, or even a blog post on your company website.

2. Create a dedicated body doubling area in your workplace, such as a quiet corner of the office, or an online space where employees can connect via Zoom, Teams or Google Meet.

3. Encourage your employees to pair up by creating a list of those who are interested in body doubling, or set up a system where employees can sign up for a partner. Not everyone will be comfortable with body doubling, make sure to let employees know that they don’t have to participate if they don’t want to.

4. Track the results of your body doubling program in order to see how it benefits your employees and workplace as a whole. You can do this by setting up an online survey or setting up an anonymous feedback box in an employee common area.


Body doubling can help foster a more positive and supportive work environment. When employees feel like they're part of a team and that they have the support of their colleagues, it can help them feel more motivated and engaged in their work -- leading to a more productive and enjoyable work experience for everyone.

If you're interested in working with CADDAC to educate your workplace about ADHD, fill out our presentation request form!

A suitable working environment can make a huge difference for someone with ADHD. When a person with ADHD leaves a job, they often mention a lack of support from their employer as the main reason why they decide to move on. Managing an employee with ADHD can be very rewarding, provided that time and effort is taken to understand how the disorder impacts the employee and their responsibilities at work. 

Here are some of the most common FAQs about ADHD and the workplace.

Q: What is ADHD?

A: Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common neurodevelopmental disorder in children and adults, affecting 3-5% of adults and 5-9% of children or 1.8 million Canadians (Riegler et al. 2017, statistics Canada, 2022). 

While core ADHD symptoms include hyperactivity, impulsivity, and attention dysregulation; hyperactivity and impulsivity may be less externalized in those diagnosed with ADHD inattentive subtype. ADHD is also known to impair executive functions (EF). Executive functions refer to a range of higher-level skills critical for successful functioning in everyday life, such as planning, organizing, time management, working memory, processing speed, task initiation, emotional regulation, and self-awareness (Gair et al., 2020). Executive functions impact one’s ability to meet deadlines, plan and organize, problem solve, follow instructions, start, and complete a task, and manage emotional outbursts (Villines, 2021).

ADHD is a chronic condition; only 15% of children with ADHD show remission of symptomatic and functional impairment in adulthood (World Federation Guide, 2019). ADHD is highly heritable with rates between 70-90%, meaning if a parent has ADHD, it is highly likely their children will also have ADHD (Faraone and Larsson 2018). 

ADHD impacts all areas of a person’s life. Untreated ADHD can lead to devastating consequences over the course of a person’s life. Children are at risk for accidental injuries, educational underachievement, and difficulties with socializing, while adolescents are at risk for early-onset substance use, delinquency, and teenage pregnancy (CADDAC, CADDRA, CanReach, 2022). Many adults fail to reach their full potential, with studies showing increased risk for substance use disorders, accidental injuries, unemployment, gambling, low quality of life, suicide, and premature death (CADDAC, CADDRA, CanReach, 2022).

Q: What are some of the most common ways ADHD appears in the workplace?

A: How ADHD impacts job performance depends on many factors – the type and severity of symptoms, the suitability of the job to the employee’s strengths, and how successfully the employee uses strategies to offset any of their weaknesses. Here are a few of the most common ways that ADHD shows up at work:

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Q: Should I disclose my ADHD diagnosis at my job?

A: This is a very personal decision and remains a controversial topic. Disclosing your ADHD to those who may not understand the condition could lead to your being viewed negatively, since stigma and misunderstandings about ADHD still exist. On the other hand, if your employer is open to discussing the implementation of accommodations, but requires a reason that they are required, disclosing your ADHD could be very beneficial.

Your employer will need to understand ADHD as a medical condition with symptoms that can impact job performance, both positively and negatively. Providing personal examples of how your ADHD impacts you would be beneficial.

An alternative approach to full immediate disclosure could be to initially meet with your supervisor to request certain adjustments in your work environment that you feel will make you more productive. Work your request from an angle of strength, using positive statements like “I work best in an environment with fewer distractions. More frequent check-ins would help me to stay on track and get those large reports to you on time.” Or try, “I am at my peak efficiency in the early morning when the office is quiet. I was wondering if we could schedule my tasks in order to take advantage of my peak productivity.” Don’t call these “accommodations” unless you have decided to formally disclose. Frame these difficulties in terms of solution-oriented goals.

If you do decide to disclose and receive immediate resistance, you may wish to gently point out to your employer that ADHD is considered a disability by Human Rights Commissions. Although at this point of the discussion, things should be kept as amiable as possible.

Q: I need more support at work. How should I request accommodations?

A: Some adults may feel very uncomfortable requesting any type of special consideration. They may feel that they will be viewed as incompetent or making excuses. They may worry that coworkers may resent them for receiving special treatment. But viewing accommodations as a means to your becoming more productive and ultimately a better employee would be a better way for both you and your employer to view these requests. Before requesting accommodations, take some time to think about:

Q: What are some reasonable accommodations I can request at my workplace?

A: Adults with ADHD will differ in the type and quantity of accommodations required. A process of trial and error may be required to discover the best possible options since ADHD symptoms are very individual. It is important to note that in some cases, just a few simple strategies and accommodations may significantly increase both job performance and job satisfaction. A few examples of reasonable workplace accommodations include:

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Q: I work from home, how can I stay focused?

A: While working from home, impairments that may have been under control in a structured workplace environment will likely resurface. Inattention, distractibility, hyper focusing and procrastination, difficulty with time-management and organization will probably become more of an issue. Once you understand what could be causing an issue, try putting some of these strategies in place:

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If you're interested in working with CADDAC to educate your workplace about ADHD, fill out our presentation request form!

If you’re an adult with ADHD, your skills and weaknesses in the workplace may differ from those of your neurotypical colleagues. It might be harder for you to remain focused on an unstimulating task, stay organized or be able to meet deadlines – which will cause challenges at work. There are three types of ADHD, and knowing which type you have is a good starting point for deciding a career path:

Adults with ADHD change jobs more frequently and have higher rates of unemployment or part-time employment (Kuriyan et al, 2013). With this in mind, choosing a career path that would be a good fit for someone with ADHD could be a challenge. Here are a few things to consider when deciding on which career may best suit you. 

What are your interests? 

It’s well known that those with ADHD need to be engaged and interested in their field of work in order to maintain attention, be productive and feel fulfilled. Do you get a kick out of analyzing numbers and organizing data? Maybe you like working with your hands and being creative. There isn’t a “perfect job” for people with ADHD, but doing something you’re passionate about will encourage motivation, focus, and lead to higher job satisfaction.

What are your strengths?  

The right job will turn your unique ADHD symptoms and traits into strengths and assets. Studies show that people with ADHD tend to be more curious, creative, imaginative, innovative, and inventive – both inside and outside of the workplace. Make a list of your strong suits and think of times when those strengths have led you toward success or recognition. Evaluate whether or not any symptoms like hyperfocus, high energy or impulsivity helped you get the job done. Input from others may be helpful when answering this question!

Is there a pattern to your energy level throughout the day? 

Think about your day-to-day energy patterns. Do you notice that you’re more productive in the morning, or you feel more motivated later in the day? Are there specific tasks that make you feel invigorated or drained? All jobs can occasionally include boring or mundane tasks, but some careers might require more physical and mental energy than others, or require work hours outside of a standard 9-5. 

Do you need structure, or freedom?

Shift work, flexible hours or a hybrid environment can be beneficial for one person with ADHD, whereas another might require structure and routine to quiet their busy mind. If you tend to get easily overwhelmed, you might do better in a quiet, low-stress workplace that follows a standard day-to-day routine. If you value your autonomy, consider careers that allow you to make your own schedule or work off-site. Knowing what kind of environment you work best in can narrow your search for the ideal career.


Once you have a better understanding of who you are as a person, it’ll be easier to start exploring different career options. It’s important to remember that ADHD is unique. One ADHDer may consider a more low-key office job mentally stimulating, and another might thrive in a fast-paced retail job. The key is to choose a field or specific position that capitalizes on your skills and the traits that make you an asset to any workplace.

If you're interested in working with CADDAC to educate your workplace about ADHD, check out our ADHD in the Workplace Workshop and fill out our presentation request form!

Workshop Request Form

Are you a business owner or HR professional interested in educating your workplace about ADHD?

This workshop is designed for Managers and HR Professionals working with people with ADHD. By the end of the workshop, participants will have a deeper understanding of ADHD and how it can impact work performance, as well as practical tools and strategies to ensure employees with ADHD are able to thrive in the workplace.

While those with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can have very fulfilling careers, some individuals with ADHD can face several issues in the workplace. ADHD can have a significant impact on an individual's ability to thrive in the workplace. Difficulty with organization, time management, and social and emotional regulation can lead to challenges in productivity, communication, and collaboration with colleagues. Each individual with ADHD deals with a different set of challenges, therefore it’s important to consider their unique skills and strengths to design ADHD-friendly strategies, accommodations, and modification that can be implemented in the workplace.

This engaging workshop will provide an overview of how employees with ADHD may be impacted at work as well as strategies for managing symptoms and maximizing productivity. Managers and HR Professionals will learn tools and strategies to help unlock the potential of employees with ADHD. Participants will learn best practices on how to support and accommodate neurodiversity in the workplace.

Topics to be covered include:

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Workshop Request Form

Many adults with ADHD can perform their jobs successfully, and find that their ADHD traits (ie: high energy, problem solving, creativity, being able to hyper-focus) are significant benefits in their chosen career. However, some adults with ADHD can struggle in the workplace and with maintaining steady employment. Adults with ADHD are 20% less likely to be employed and earn an average of 16% less than their counterparts (Biederman, et al., 2006). ADHD-ers often cite a lack of support as their reason for leaving a job.

With these statistics in mind, it’s more important than ever for HR professionals and their respective organizations to create a more inclusive environment for employees with ADHD, and offer the chance to maintain a steady, fulfilling career. Here are a few adjustments that not only level the playing field, but support ADHD employees in the workplace:

Open the door to neurodiverse candidates

A culture of acceptance from the get-go is essential for candidates with ADHD to feel comfortable disclosing their condition. Developing a neurodiversity policy will show that your organization welcomes neurodiverse employees to their team. When interviewing new candidates, keep job descriptions clear and limit jargon. Split the job requirements into sections like ‘necessary’ and ‘desirable’, and keep interview questions concise and to the point. Allowing the candidate to use cue cards or notes can be incredibly beneficial, too.

Offer workplace neurodiversity training

People with ADHD can be different to manage compared to neurotypical employees. Everyone who has ADHD has more difficulty regulating their attention and focus, which can cause problems in the workplace. Impairment in regulating attention is experienced as:

By having ADHD awareness training, employees – especially those in management roles – can learn how to unlock the limitless potential of a person with ADHD, and how they can best support them. An understanding of ADHD along with implementing ADHD-friendly workplace accommodations will make it easier to support employees with the disorder and help them succeed by playing to their strengths. If you're interested in working with CADDAC to educate your workplace about ADHD, fill out our presentation request form

ADHD coaching for the workplace

Allowing the use of an ADHD coach can help an employee with ADHD develop strategies, systems and routines to better manage challenges they face at work. The individual with ADHD, their supervisor and the ADHD coach can collaborate to set goals and identify any accommodations, improvement opportunities and create a plan of action to lean into the employees strengths and improve upon any weak spots. Employees with ADHD who receive ADHD coaching at work will feel supported and valued.

Keep an open line of communication

Anxiety, intense emotions and Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria are very common for people with ADHD. Individuals can become activated by perceived or actual criticism, making mistakes, or impromptu meetings. Providing context for unscheduled meetings, making time for regular check-ins and offering positive feedback are a few ways to prevent any unnecessary anxiety and stress. Managers can provide instructions or feedback in writing to help prevent any issues or confusion that might occur with an employee that has ADHD.


Although there is no one-size-fits-all approach to managing employees with ADHD, there are many simple accommodations and strategies that can improve workplace accessibility and reduce ADHD stigma. People with ADHD tend to be creative, enthusiastic, innovative and passionate about tasks that interest them, and can prove to be an incredible asset to any workplace – all they need is to be given the chance to succeed.

If you're interested in working with CADDAC to educate your workplace about ADHD, fill out our presentation request form!

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