
ADHD Webinar: The Impact of ADHD on the Child, Parents, Siblings and the Family as a Whole

See how the entire family unit is impacted by an individual member's ADHD.

Having a child with ADHD in the home can affect the entire family dynamic. Watch the webinar now.

This webinar was recorded live for CADDAC in November 2021 with CADDAC's Director of Advocacy and Education, Heidi Bernhardt, RN presenting.

Join CADDAC's Director of Advocacy and Education, Heidi Bernhardt, RN as she discusses how the family of a newly-diagnosed child with ADHD transitions to acceptance of the diagnosis.

Parents whose child has been diagnosed with ADHD commonly transition through emotional stages while working their way to acceptance of the disorder.

Instantly access CADDAC's Impact of ADHD on the Family webinar replay!

Webinar Content:

  • Discuss common emotional stages that the family goes through once a child has been diagnosed.
  • How ADHD impacts the individual child with ADHD and other family members
  • Evaluate what research tells us about how ADHD can impact family functioning as a whole
  • Share thoughts on how and when to inform a child about their ADHD

About CADDAC's Presenter

Over the past 30 years, Heidi Bernhardt has helped raise awareness and understanding of ADHD among parents, those with ADHD, educators, health care professionals, industry leaders, government officials and the public through presentations, conferences, media interviews, and advocacy work.
Heidi Bernhardt, is a psychiatric nurse by training, mother of three grown sons with ADHD and the founder of the Centre for ADHD Awareness Canada (CADDAC), a Canadian charity dedicated to awareness, education, and advocacy for ADHD. Heidi is the past Executive Director of the Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance (CADDRA), a national not-for-profit organization of the leading clinicians and researchers in ADHD in Canada, from 2006 to 2012. During these years she built CADDAC in her volunteer life, nationally incorporating CADDAC as a not-for-profit in 2006 and becoming the Executive Director and President from 2012 to 2019. Heidi currently focuses on  ADHD education material and systemic advocacy while holding the role of Director of Education and Advocacy for CADDAC. She also continues to teach and present on ADHD for CADDAC.

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