Title: ADHD and Sleep
Speaker: Dr. Margaret Weiss
Abstract - ADHD is a 24-hour disorder. Nighttime difficulties associated with ADHD include delayed circadian rhythm (going to sleep too late) and night to night variability in sleep patterns. Difficulties with sleep further exacerbate problems with attention and impulse control. ADHD is a disorder of self-regulation that also makes it more difficult to entrain a regular sleep rhythm. This webinar will review how families and individuals with ADHD can improve this vicious cycle and in obtaining a good night’s sleep improve their well-being during the day as well.
Dr. Weiss is best known for her research demonstrating that melatonin is a safe and effective treatment for initial insomnia in ADHD; her work on medication development; the Weiss
Functional Impairment Scale; and her recent studies of quality of life and functional impairment as important outcomes. As a full time clinician, she has made the agenda of her research the translation of clinical practice into evidence based care.
Dr. Weiss has published over 90 peer-reviewed articles relating to these topics. She is the author of two book chapters on ADHD, and coauthored the book ADHD in Adulthood: A Guide to Current Theory, Diagnosis, and Treatment. Dr. Weiss is known for her research demonstrating that melatonin is a safe and effective treatment for initial insomnia in ADHD.. She was the Director of the ADHD Program at Children’s Hospital for 15 years. She has helped launch and participated in writing the Canadian guidelines for ADHD for the last four editions.
CADDAC would like to thank the Zorzi Family, Janssen Inc., and Takeda Canada for generously supporting this event.
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