
ADHD Right to Learn – General Ask (for provinces other than Ontario)

We, the Centre for ADHD Awareness Canada (CADDAC), the parents of children with ADHD, individuals with ADHD, professionals working in the field of ADHD and education, along with our allies, ask that the Ontario Ministry of Education formally acknowledge that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a serious learning risk by agreeing in writing with all three of these statements:
  • ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that causes learning impairments on par with Autism Spectrum Disorder and learning disabilities and will therefore be included with Autism Spectrum Disorder and learning disabilities in the same category of exceptionality;
  • students with ADHD have a right to access accommodations and special education resources for their disability, exceptionality notwithstanding; and
  • these resources and accommodations be based on a students’ specific needs and not generalizations, understanding that even a student with ADHD who is performing “well enough” academically can still be a student with a disability that requires accommodations to address barriers in education.

We need your help to increase support for students with ADHD!


In the boxes below, please fill in the information requested. The name of your provincial elected representative and your Minister of Education will appear.

Then choose whether you would like to send an e-mail or a tweet to your elected official. If you choose to send an e-mail it will also be sent to your Minister of Education.

The content of your email will auto-populate and include your role and area as indicted by your information.

It would be very helpful if you could also include some personal thoughts in the box provided. This additional text will be added to your e-mail. Politicians tend to apply more weight to e-mails that have been personalized.  

We’d love to know if you get a response from your provincial elected representative or anyone copied on your email. Please forward any responses to


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