
BC Ministry of Ed to Recognize ADHD under the LD Category

Juanita Beaudry

Education Ministry Special Education Guidelines Will Recognize ADHD under the Learning Disorder Category

A new Huffington Post article is talking about changes coming to the BC Special Education Guidelines that will allow students with ADHD, who present learning needs, to be identified under the learning disability (LD) category. This may not seem like a huge change, but parents of children with ADHD in BC and CADDAC have long been advocating for this change. In fact, CADDAC has been advocating for this change to occur in Ontario since our inception in 2005. For more information on why this is important and what is happening in Ontario please acess out Blog Post.

If your child with ADHD is struggling at school and continues to be denied an IEP or recognition as an exceptional student in the Ontario School System and you would like to share your story with us to further advocacy efforts in Ontario, please contact

Access the Huffington Post article HERE

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