"Eating Disorders affect people of all genders, sexual orientations, ages, socioeconomic class, abilities, races, and ethnic backgrounds. That is why, from February 1st to 7th every year, Eating Disorder groups across Canada unite to commemorate Eating Disorder Awareness Week (EDAW) with a national week of action focused on educating the public about Eating Disorders." via NEDIC
"Research has demonstrated that individuals with ADHD have a greater risk for developing binge eating disorder or bulimia nervosa than their peers without ADHD. A study conducted at Harvard Medical School, in 2007, found that girls with ADHD were almost four times more likely to have an eating disorder than those without ADHD. Another empirical study found that 11 percent of women with ADHD, compared to 1 percent of women without, reported a history of bulimia nervosa." via ADDitude Mag.
"ADHD can often be a root problem to eating disorder behaviors, and treatment for ADHD can often help alleviate symptoms related to the eating disorder. For individuals who struggle with ADHD, food may become a way of self-medicating or exercising control in an environment that feels chaotic or out of balance.
Many eating disorder type behaviors can be misread in a person who is struggling with ADHD, and it is crucial to treat and address this primary concern in order to better deal with the eating disorder." via Eating Disorders Hope.
Due to the co-morbidity of ADHD and eating disorders we wanted to share some information and resources for Eating Disorders Awareness Week.
ADHD Linked to Eating Disorders via ADDitude Mag
"If you have ADHD, then you’re also at risk for developing an eating disorder. Find out why feelings of inadequacy may lead to issues with food, and discover how therapy or medication can help you on the road to recovery."
ADHD as a Co-Occurring Disorder with Eating Disorders via Eating Disorders Hope
"Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition that both children and adults can struggle with. While many individuals’ associate apparent symptoms with this disorder, such as restlessness, inability to concentrate or hold attention, or impulsiveness, there is rarely a connection made to eating disorders. However, research has demonstrated several commonalities between ADHD and eating disorders, which can help bring a greater understanding to the potential connection between these two conditions."
ADHD and Eating Disorders: What You Need to Know via Understood
" If your child has ADHD and also has an eating disorder, you may think the two are unrelated. But these two conditions often co-occur. Research shows a particularly strong link between ADHD and binge eating."
If you or someone you know if struggling with an eating disorder, there is help. Here are a few resources. If you have more that you would like us to add to this list, please email us at communications@caddac.ca.
NEDIC provides information, resources, referrals and support to Canadians affected by eating disorders. They also have an Instant Chat option. nedic.ca
NIED is the voice for Canadian families, caregivers, and individuals who are affected by Eating Disorders and other co-morbid and concurrent diagnoses. nied.ca
Eating Disorders Nova Scotia (EDNS) is a community based organization that offers peer support for individuals with eating disorders, and for their families, friends and partners. eatingdisordersns.ca
Body Braves mission is to deliver innovative local and national services that address the major gaps in resources for eating disorders, in collaboration with those with lived experience and our community partners. Body Brave also works to create a bold national recovery-focused, inclusive community, committed to body liberation as well as raising awareness and reducing stigma around disordered eating and/or eating disorders. bodybrave.ca.
The Bulimia Anorexia Nervosa Association (BANA) is a not-for-profit, registered charity, community-based organization servicing Windsor-Essex County in Ontario, Canada. Since 1983, BANA has been committed to the provision of specialized treatment, education and support services for individuals affected directly and indirectly by eating disorders. bana.ca
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