Provided to CADDAC by Gina Pera author and educator In recent years, biomedical research has identified many "drug-response genes.” These are genes that wield a substantial impact on how people react to medications. Several companies are making consum
Read moreAs reported in a previous blog, on December the 4th 2017 CADDAC met with Minister Fleming and his staff to discuss ADHD in BC schools, our recent policy paper and the highly anticipated new BC Special Education guidelines, placing ADHD in a standalone
Read moreRecently the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC (CPSBC) developed and published guidelines for safe prescribing of drugs with potential for misuse and diversion. These guidelines were developed for the prescribing of opiates, through a lens of ad
Read moreThe Ontario election is quickly approaching so this is the opportune time to make your voice heard. You MPPs think that their constituents do not care about ADHD because they do not hear from families with ADHD, but they do hear from parents of childre
Read moreChildren with ADHD require specialized parenting. Most parents parent somewhat inconsistently, but this is not good enough for children with ADHD and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). The more severe the ADHD and ODD is, the greater the necessity fo
Read moreADHD SPEAKS As part of our ADHD Awareness Campaign "ADHD Speaks" CADDAC has asked people of all ages and walks of life to speak out about ADHD. This is what they've said...... ABOUT ADHD SPEAKS ADHD SPEAKS STORIES MAKE A SUBMISSION
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